Real talk. Business advice, insights, discussions and more to help business owners crack The Growth Code®. From goal setting, and productivity to social media, business hacks as well as sales and marketing that help you redesign an agency business that loves you back. Because your business should give you the results you deserve.
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Am I ready to hire a salesperson?
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
I was thinking the other day about the times I really messed up hiring salespeople because I wasn't ready and what expensive lessons they were!
Does any of this sound familiar?
You've grown your service-based business to a certain level...
🙋♀️ you've reached six figures plus,
🙋♀️ you have a few team members,
🙋♀️ you're wearing many different hats,
🙋♀️ haven't quite gotten the hang of stepping back from the day to day...
🙋♀️ but bringing in sales is all on you!
You're at the stage where you might be thinking, "if only I could hire a salesperson to bring in new clients, it would be a game-changer?"
I've been there. The thing is, that salesperson isn't the silver bullet you think it is ⚠️
How do you know if you are *really* ready to hire a salesperson?
If any of this sounds like déjà vu, take the next 9 minutes and avoid the same costly mistakes I've made.
Show notes and links
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Achieve Your Goals in 90 Minutes
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
I’m not going to tell you to get up at 5 am, or what morning routines will make you a billionaire, what rituals you need to fire you up. It’s far more simple than that. It’s about showing up for your business every day and making tiny incremental improvements towards your goals. Someone once told me that winning happens an inch at a time. I think building a business happens one-half hour at a time.
I am excited about this episode because we’re talking about how to grow your business in 90 minutes or how to achieve your goals in Three Halves. And many business owners have been asking me lately, “so Sian, what do you do in those 90 minutes?”
Great question! Let’s get stuck in.
The episodes and resources referenced in the episode:
The Numbers to Track
Supercharging Client Testimonials
29 Ways to Get Sales
Where your next client is coming from
Offer Fix
Get your Three Halves Planner
Email me hello@workwithsian.co.uk for resources and questions on anything we’ve talked about today
Clarity & Consistency Club
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Shaping a Growth Strategy That Actually Works
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
William Burroughs' quote "when you stop growing you start dying" resonates on a deep level with me. So let's look at the growth factors which contribute to a growth strategy that actually works.
Game-changing business growth requires clarity, consistency and proven strategies. This episode touches on a few growth factors that will help you move from being a reactive business owner to one proactively focused on growth.
It’s your time to work ON your business and take action, get started with the growth factors in this episode.
If you’re looking for the right strategies, techniques and a guided roadmap to drive your business forward with sustainable and consistent growth, stay tuned to the end. I’ll love to tell you about Clients Like Clockwork®.
Drop me an email hello@workwithsian.co.uk
Episodes referenced: ‘Pricing and Charging Your Worth’ and ‘Prospecting for Goals’.
Show notes and links will be on the blog post at workwithsian.co.uk/blog
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Five Ways to Find Un-monestised Revenue In Your Business
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
In this episode, I'm sharing five quick, easy (free) ways to find un-monetised revenue in your business with clear action steps to get you liquidating that hidden revenue in 30 days or less.
Are you ready to find hidden gold in your business?
For the show notes and links mentioned in the episode, head on over to the blog at https://workwithsian.co.uk/blog
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Why you're leaving money on the table
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
If you’re leaving money on the table, you’re not maximising the value you can bring to your clients and you’re not doing yourself any favours.
And you’re definitely leaving money on the table if you’re not doing these six things.
You’ve heard the phrase ‘the fortunes are in the follow up’, you know this but are you doing it? I’m sharing real-life examples of six success factors to help you craft a systematic follow-up that will get results and help you get over your fear, limiting beliefs around the follow-up.
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Do you know where your next client is coming from?
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
The boom and bust of running a service based business is exhausting and yet I hear from business owners that there’s this uncertainty of where the next client is coming from.
If you're wondering where your next client is coming from, this episode is for you. I'm letting you in on the secret, the ONE thing you need to crack the code to have a consistent, regular stream of leads and new clients.
By the end of this, you’ll have a clear set of action points to master getting new clients.
The show notes are up on the website and remember to get a copy fo Content Pizza to help you out with that!
Monday Jul 26, 2021
What numbers to track in your business?
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
At first a flywheel takes some energy to get spinning but then you can use leverage and figure out where the levers are so it becomes easier and easier. As your business grows it requires more and more energy but with a handle on the levers, you’ll be able to keep up the momentum effortlessly.
The levers I’m talking about in the flywheel that is your business are the numbers.
Every business is different and depending on your goals which are unique to you, deciding on which numbers to track is important. If I told you that in 15 minutes you could make £100,000 in your business you’d do it so what are you waiting for? Let’s dig in.
If you’d like a copy of the KPI scorecard mentioned in the podcast, drop “numbers” to me in an email to support@workwithsian.co.uk
Monday Jul 19, 2021
11 ways any service based business can increase average order value
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
When I work with businesses owners who want to grow the world over, there's often a huge focus on getting new clients or customers. And this is one of the most expensive, energy sucking and time consuming ways to grow a business yet 98% of place all focus here.
Let's talk about one of the fastest and easiest strategies to increase your revenue and profits. Increasing your average order value!
Aside from raising your prices, I've got 11 ways any service based or digital business can increase their average order value with easy and without spending loads!
Be sure to head over to the show notes to download the Geometric Growth Worksheet!
Monday Jul 05, 2021
8 Weeks of Content Topics in 8 Minutes
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Creating content for your business and using it strategically in a way that serves your audience can have an impact on your sales and business. The catch is that a content strategy is like a hungry monster that needs feeding constantly and it’s never full. So I’m going to walk you through my process for creating at least 8 weeks of content topics in 8 minutes.
The questions that you'll need (along with your post-it notes and sharpie pens) are over on the blog https://workwithsian.co.uk/blog
And remember to grab the free Weekly Marketing Checklist!
I can't wait to see a pic of your post-it note party, tag me @workwithsian
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Prospecting For Goals
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Set goals. Have clear goals. I’m always amazed that this basic advice isn’t always followed and I’ve been doing a deep drive on why we have some resistance to setting goals, the wrong gap you're focused on, and I have some gems to help you be a master goal digger!
Get your goal. Write it down, break it down and then take it down! I want you to get that goal into your physiology, just like the muddy ditch from my story in this podcast, I want you to experience complete and utter target fixation.
For more and show notes visit https://workwithsian.co.uk/blog
And for more on goal setting and the Get Your Sh** Together Challenge go to https://www.workwithsian.com/gyst